Keltia Ireland’s Kevin Burtchaell & John McCarthy had the pleasure of attending the National Manufacturing & Supply Chain Conference & Exhibition 2019 (NMSC ) at the Citywest in Dublin last Thursday January 17th. As always it was excellent opportunity for the Keltia team to catch up with old friends and make a few new ones in Ireland’s dynamic automation industry.
This is the sixth year of what has become the largest gathering of the manufacturing and supply companies in the country. With 350 exhibitors a wide range of industries were represented including electronics, pharmaceutical, medical, and chemical, life sciences and food.
Keltia Ireland ltd. was specifically there to connect with companies who are currently experiencing a critical skills shortage particularly in Automation & Controls & Process Engineering. We are constantly called upon to sourced skilled individuals a task although difficult is helped by our core team’s links and experience in industries as diverse as the Aerospace and medical instruments.
Keltia is a provider of Engineers & Technicians with Critical skills, something we have been doing for the past 18 years in the US, Europe and more recently in Ireland. We are the only supplier based in Ireland who provides training and support for Dassault Systémes cutting edge CATIA Design & Manufacturing software. Keltia provide Irish Industry with the Key talent and latest technology to drive innovation in the manufacturing sector.
Along with the opportunity to talk with innovative manufacturer & Engineering Managers the NMSC was also an excellent opportunity to discover new engineering talent. The IMR Manufacturing and Supply Chain Awards 2019, recently launched by Heather Humphreys TD, Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation had a number of exhibits presenting manufacturing expertise and technology transfer, with the awards going to Helen Ryan (Creganna -Tactx Medical) for the Outstanding Industry Contribution winner. Thomas O’Malley, of Valeo Vision Systems with the Best Use of Robotics Award and Barry Kennedy of the IMR, secured the Gran Prix IMR Manufacturer of the Year award.
The NMSC is one of the Engineering shows and Expos we attend each year, we regularly attend Engineering shows in Europe and the United States. This is an essential part of what Keltia does to develop new talent resources. Watch & Follow this space or connect directly with our team for more information.